Hello New Blog!

Sunday, 9 July 2017
After a year blogging on the SquareSpace platform, I've decided to come back to Blogger! SquareSpace never worked quite like I wanted to. And at $150 a year that just doesn't seem worth it to me. So I'm packing up my stuff and moving back to Blogger. But, to this wholly new blog!

It feels like a lot has changed since a year has gone by, both personally and with my paper crafting. My scrapbooking has changed. I'm working on all new projects. Projects that I love tremendously! I'm working with a new (to me) company--American Crafts--and left another company--Simple Scrapper--early this year. I've taught a class at Big Picture Classes: Hidden Journaling! I discovered a love for traveler's notebooks.

Personally, I bought a house with my partner. We adopted a cat before that happened though. I quit my job and I've just started a new one! So there's a lot of new coming at me. Why not add a blog on top of it?!

I feel like I've never been in a better place with my scrapbooking game. This is because I've figured out a system/format that really works for me.

Here's how I'm documenting my memories:
Monthly via my Monthly Memories Project. Every month I condense the big stuff down into two 9x12 pocket pages.

Daily/Weekly via my 2017 Memory Notebook Project. It's a traveler's notebook that I write in everyday and then create one weekly story spread.

Weekly Bullet Journal spreads. This is very new. I use to bujo back in the day but have just got back into it and I'm loving it!

Traveler's Notebooks galore! I love this format. Here are the ones I have going: All About Me, People I love, My Home, Izzy, Dixie

Scrapbook layouts. Yep, I'm still making these! Though I'll admit, not nearly as much as I use to. I make pages in a variety of sizes: 12x12, 9x12, 8 1/2 x 11, 6x12. I have a 12x12 album that I mix all of these into along with my monthly memories pocket pages.

6x8 pocket pages. This is another new addition to my repertoire. I don't ever want to limit myself to only scrap in certain sizes. I love this smaller format and so I just started created for it!

And I'm keeping track of all of the stories I want to tell via a Storytelling Tracker. This might be my most favorite project of the year!

My goal is to blog here at least twice a week. Sometimes that won't be feasible. Sometimes I'll blog more I'm sure. I also really want to get into producing regular YouTube content. Maybe a video a week to start! I'm still trying to figure out my filming situation.

If you've read this far, I thank you! I hope you'll check back in every now and again to see what I'm working on. If you have any requests, I'd love to hear them!

Cheers & Besos,


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